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Potter Making Mug


We have a fun class planned for Valentines day!

Come and make 2 pairs of "Hugging Mugs" with your partner or friend.

In this 2.5 hour class you & a partner will make 2mugs each, working together to make the mugs interlock when pushed together. This is a fun class for both couples or friends to get involved in.

You will be taught traditional hand building techniques such as coiling, pinching, mark making or slab building.

Our teachers will guide you through each process and you can have fun adding your own creative flare to the designs. You will choose your glaze colour and once your mugs are dried out, our technicians will glaze and fire your work ready for collection at a later date.

This class is priced at £50 per head, be sure to add you plus one at checkout!

Our beautiful, brand new studio is in the heart of Manchester City centre. For those of you travelling from out of town, we are just a two minute walk from Picadilly train station.

Specialist, split leg wheel aprons are provided however please wear clothing and footwear that you don't mind getting a bit of clay on. That way you can really go for it!

*please note: if you have long nails it can be a little trickier to throw. 

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